Product / Service Details
- Guarantees waterproofing of cold joints.
- The injection of resin can be done when water leakage occurs or after total curing of the concrete.
- The injection of the joints in different sections is possible.
- Easy installation, without any delay in construction program.
- No damage to concrete during installation or injection..
- Floor/ wall and wail/ ceiling – joints.
- While pouring the concrete, the contractor installs steel – strips in the wet concrete – in the middle of the joint before the next pour, install the Injecto behind the steel strips tightly against the Injecto.
- Bend the ends 90 degrees and lasting ends with steel wire to the reinforcement bars, the PVC ends should protrude (inches) out of the forms.
- Where steel strips haven’t been inserted, the Injecto may be secured to the reinforcement bars
by means of wire.
- Wall /wall and floor/ floor–joints.
- Stretch Injecto tube and place in small keyway.
THE INJECTO is composed of:
- A reinforced spiral of steel wire: this collapse of the tube when the concrete is poured.
- Woven membrane: filters the current particles during the pour. It allows easy passage of the resin during injection of the tube.
- Outer synthetic membrane: protects the inner Membrane
- The injection will be done after the concrete is cured and all cold joints are set.
- Different injection resins can be used. For example a low viscosity polymer resin, which stays flexible and which is alkali resistant and non – toxic.
- Possible leakages can be located by testing the construction joints with water pressure.